Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dogfish Head Fort (2007)

I was recently on vacation in Ocean City and we decided to drive up to the Dogfish Head Brewpub in Rehoboth. While at the brewpub, my buddy Matt and I decided to order a vintage bottle of Fort, vintage 2007. The beer pours a cloudy amber color with lots of red hues and a thin filmy white head. The aroma is warming with alcohol, a most notable presence, and raspberries, yeast, and raisin aromas as well. The taste is big and bold with plenty of raisin comprising of the base of the beer. On top of the raisin, the raspberry comes to life and provides a tart finish with a warming alcohol after taste. The alcohol content is 18.0% ABV. I had heard good things about Fort, and I was most impressed with the flavor profile of this beer. It kept itself from truly tasting like a “fruity” beer by having a prominent alcohol flavor, but the yeast base and tart raspberry finish were the most enjoyable parts of this beer.

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