Wednesday, December 28, 2011

21st Amendment-Ninkasi Allies Win the War!

My buddy Matt and I decided to split a four-pack of cans of the 21st Amendment-Ninkasi collaboration called Allies Win the War! I opened this can just before the news of Kim-Jong Il dying was hitting Twitter (coincidence?). The beer pours a dark amber color with a frothy beige head that leaves plenty of lacing on the glass as it recedes. The aroma consists of caramel, sweet malts, dates, and raisin. It reminded me of opening a container of dates when I was younger. The taste is sweet and smooth while having a nice bitterness to it. The front end brings caramel, dates, and malts before a pine and spruce hop accent kicks in and dries out the tongue. The after taste leaves bits of pepper on the tongue. The alcohol content is 8.5% ABV. This was great beer that started out with a nice sweetness, but complete brought out a bitter side with hops and dried out the mouth. I loved every second of it, and would love to pick up a few more cans.

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